Palm Beach County Sheree Davis Cunningham Black Women Lawyers Association Supreme Court of United States Bar inductees stand in front of the U.S. Supreme Court with sponsors and coordinator. From the left are Gloria Williams, Judge Shaniek Maynard, Latrice Dean, Jessica Hooper, SDCWLA President Salesia Smith-Gordon, Judge Lisette Reid, Coordinator Jeraldine Williams, Telsula Morgan, SDCBWLA Co-Sponsor Sandra Powery Moses, and Darlene Bell-Alexander.

Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson inspires Palm Beach County lawyers at Supreme Court Admissions Ceremony

Eight members of the Palm Beach County Sheree Davis Cunningham Black Women Lawyers Association (SDCBWLA) were recently honored with a surprise visit from U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson, just ahead of their formal induction into the Supreme Court of the United States Bar.

The unexpected meeting took place during a breakfast in the Supreme Court’s private dining room, setting the stage for a ceremony that celebrated both personal and professional milestones.

SDCBWLA President Salesia Smith-Gordon, who was ceremonially admitted to practice before the en banc Court in 2004, served as a co-sponsor and movant. She collaborated for months with co-sponsor and SDCBWLA co-founder Sandra Powery Moses to ensure the occasion was memorable.