Animal Bites

Dog Bites & Animal Attacks

A dog bite or animal attack can cause serious injury or even death. The powerful jaws and sharp teeth of many dog breeds can crush bones and cause permanent nerve damage, in addition to the harm of bacterial infections. Facial lacerations and disfigurement, along with serious psychological harm are frequent results of dog bites as well. All of these harms are only multiplied when the victim is a child, which sadly is all too often the case. Attorney Salesia Smith-Gordon thoroughly understands Florida’s complex laws regarding dog bites and animal attacks. Along with her team, she works diligently to hold dog owners accountable for harm caused by actions such as:

Florida law holds dog owners strictly liable for the harm caused by their animals. Under strict liability principles, the injured victim does not have to prove that the owner was negligent in keeping or controlling the animal. It also does not matter whether or not the owner knew that the dog was dangerous or had any vicious propensities. In any attack which occurs on public property, or on private property where the victim had a right to be, the owner can and should be held liable.

Even with strict liability, dog owners and their insurance companies can find ways to escape liability or reduce the amount they owe. Salesia Smith-Gordon and her team prepare a strong case and argue strenuously for the maximum in compensation to help victims and their families cope with the aftermath of a dog bite or other animal attack. In West Palm Beach, contact Attorney Salesia Smith-Gordon at 561-655-9279 for a no-cost, confidential consultation regarding your claim.