Travel Prescription Checklist
- Plan ahead. Refill prescriptions to make sure you won’t run out.
- Get a copy of your prescription so you can refill it on the road if necessary.
- Carry a list of all your medications, their prescription numbers, and contact information for your physicians and hometown pharmacy.
- Pack all medications carefully in carry-on luggage.
- For medicine that requires refrigeration, pack in a cooler with ice for a short trip. For longer trips, consider replacing a liquid drug with a powder form to which you can add water when you arrive.
- If you are flying and your medical supplies exceed the 3 ounce carry-on limit, tell the checkpoint security agent and you will be subjected to additional screening.
- Write out your regular medication schedule, so that if you are traveling to a different time zone, you can adjust your medication schedule accurately.
- Check with your physician or pharmacist again to confirm foods or liquids that may interfere with certain drugs, in case you are faced with unfamiliar menus in foreign countries.
- Avoid drinking alcohol, which can interfere with many prescription and non-prescription medicines and could cause dehydration on flights in high altitudes.